prawn croissant tapas

Prawn Croissant Tapas

prawn and kimchi croissantAny time is a good time to have friends and family around and to be able to share with them simple and delicious snacks, or tapas,  with a glass of wine is for me the some of the best of times!

These prawn croissants can be prepared earlier and served cold, at room temperature, or gently warmed. You can also easily halve the prawns and pastry to make them a  one bite canapé size.  These are simply  made, with foods that you can have in your refrigerator and freezer at any time, all that is required is a little defrosting time for your prawns and pastry.



Preheat oven to 220’c


  • 250 grams (1/2 roll) butter puff pastry) I used and recommend, Good Honest Products Butter Puff Pastry, but make your own if that’s your forte`.
  • Approx. 250 grams or 15, raw prawn cutlets
  • Approx. 1/2 – 3/4 cup roughly chopped Kimchi
  • Approx. 150 grams cream cheese
  • 1 egg, for egg wash
  • Optional sesame seeds for garnishPlace your list items here

If  you are using Good Honest Pastry, start by cutting it lengthwise in half and rolling it again lengthwise to 3/4 its length. You need a long rectangle of pastry approx. 15 cm wide and 60cm longprawn croissant tapas

Cut your pastry into long triangles the width of the pastry and about 4-5cm wide at the base. (See photo).

Place 1/2 a tsp of cream cheese and one teaspoon of chopped kimchi at the wide end of the pastry and the prawn across the top of this.

Roll from the wide end to the narrow end of the pastry stretching it slightly around the prawn mix as you go.

Place on a lined baking tray and brush with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds.prawn croissant tapas

Bake in a hot oven 15 – 20 minutes until crisp and golden.

You can eat these straight from the oven or leave at room temperature till you are ready.  I haven’t done this but I also think you could prepare them in advance on the day, chill them and then bake them when you want to eat.  Having said that, they are  still delicious at room temperature.

prawn croissant tapas


Try them!  I think they taste great, and the choice of wine – well – thats up to you!




  1. Sylvia meek

    Where do you get kimchi . Do you make your own. I believe it is fermented cabbage?..

    • You can buy Kimchi in Asian stores, health food shops and lots of supermarkets but there is a very easy and delicious recipe on the blog that I use and friends have used and enjoyed. It is very simple but needs to ferment for about a week before you can eat it and it is very good for you.

  2. Love your choice of the Chard Farm!

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