It has been a year of playing with fermented products, our house has been happily bubbling away with Kombucha, water Kefir, Kimchi, Saurkraut ……. All of these have had their successes and failures, but they have all been happily consumed. Recently I was given some milk kefir granules. These it seems are the simplest of all the fermented things so far. A simple matter of adding milk,covering, stirring and in a day or two you have beautiful slightly sour, slightly thickened Milk Kefir. This was all very well until I realised that I needed to start eating all of this quickly accumulating milk kefir and that generally I don’t consume a lot of milk products. Bring on second fermentation, overnight oats, light and fluffy pancakes or waffles. At least I now have breakfasts covered. Second fermentation for me simply involves adding flavours. To date this has taken the form of a splash of vanilla essence and a couple of chopped medjool dates. This can then be left covered on the bench or fermentation halted if sour enough and put in the fridge. This is yummy enough to be a great substitute for all those sweet store bought yoghurts with all the benefits of fermentation. As it has been winter and fresh fruits are limited I haven’t taken this much further but I know all those summer fruits and berries will be amazing in the Kefir. My next Kefir treat was combining with oats overnight. I don’t really […]