Todays recipe forms the base for a simple weeknight meal for one, or a crowd, but can also be a delicious salad in its own right. Miso meets mustard and comes together in this surprising and delicious dressing/sauce. Miso it seems is a very versatile ingredient which can be used in surprising and different ways apart from all the wonderful Japanese recipes we know and love. With its strong umami flavour, its fermented gut health qualities and its very long shelf life, it is a great addition to the refrigerator. Its longevity works really well for me – with my impulsive food buying nature, I like to know I don’t have to use it all now, and risk my family becoming thoroughly sick of one particular ingredient. No chance of that today though as I ended up making supper for one on this occasion as flight plans were unexpectedly rescheduled. Luckily this is one of those meal plans that can easily fit around the needs of the moment for the masses or the few. I have been working on extending my repetoire for simple meal plans for weeknights. We have been making some amazing ready meals at work and I like the idea of extending this idea to some of my home meal prep. I haven’t made this “one pan” – but still the dishes are not onerous with a blender or jar for the dressing, a pot for the noodles and vegetables and a pan or sheet tray for […]
Tag: Fermented
Kimchi Everyday
Spoiler alert, you can buy delicious Kimchi! Locally made organic Kimchi absolutely delicious, and with all that fermented goodness. Authentic Korean Kimchi, found in the chillers at the Asian stores, is also delicious, not crazy expensive and worthy of sneaking to the fridge with a spoon and eating from the straight container (only when no one is looking of course!). The only problem with this last one is the ingredient list, which you need a magnifying glass to see and is still too confusing for me to say it is definitely what I want to eat. These are both delicious though and I have eaten them both with great joy. Curiosity, quality control and a need to do it myself have led me to try and make my own. This has been a process, never catastrophic (no explosions as experienced with kefir and kombucha), a little smelly at times but always edible. At last though I feel I am on the right track and would like to share my latest brew recipe with you and in doing so save it for myself as well. MY SIMPLE EVERYDAY KIMCHI RECIPE Begin with your cleaned and trimmed cabbage. Save one large leaf to top your finished kimchi in the fermenting jar. Cut into approximately 4cm/1inch squares and place in your large bowl with the salt. Spend 4-5 minutes massaging the salt into the cabbage and breaking it down. It will start to release liquid as you do this. Put […]
Milk Kefir
It has been a year of playing with fermented products, our house has been happily bubbling away with Kombucha, water Kefir, Kimchi, Saurkraut ……. All of these have had their successes and failures, but they have all been happily consumed. Recently I was given some milk kefir granules. These it seems are the simplest of all the fermented things so far. A simple matter of adding milk,covering, stirring and in a day or two you have beautiful slightly sour, slightly thickened Milk Kefir. This was all very well until I realised that I needed to start eating all of this quickly accumulating milk kefir and that generally I don’t consume a lot of milk products. Bring on second fermentation, overnight oats, light and fluffy pancakes or waffles. At least I now have breakfasts covered. Second fermentation for me simply involves adding flavours. To date this has taken the form of a splash of vanilla essence and a couple of chopped medjool dates. This can then be left covered on the bench or fermentation halted if sour enough and put in the fridge. This is yummy enough to be a great substitute for all those sweet store bought yoghurts with all the benefits of fermentation. As it has been winter and fresh fruits are limited I haven’t taken this much further but I know all those summer fruits and berries will be amazing in the Kefir. My next Kefir treat was combining with oats overnight. I don’t really […]